Dr. Mary Sanders
Irreverent Health-069-Dr. Mary Sanders


Dr. Mary Sanders joins us to talk about spiritual women of a certain age and the importance of whole-being support.  

Dr. Mary Sanders joins us to talk about spiritual women of a certain age and the importance of whole-being support.


Dr. Mary shares her journey of how she got into energy work and the importance of understanding and managing our energy. She discusses her background in chiropractic medicine and how she realized the role of energy in healing. She also talks about her experience with burnout and the need to set energetic boundaries. Dr. Mary emphasizes the importance of energy in our daily interactions and how it affects our well-being. She specifically focuses on supporting spiritually driven women over 40 who are committed to their healing journey. The conversation explores the importance of the endocrine system in regulating hormones and the interconnectedness of the body’s systems. It emphasizes the need to address imbalances in the endocrine system as a whole, rather than isolating individual glands. The discussion also touches on the significance of grounding and connecting with the Earth’s frequency to promote healing and trust. The concept of generational trauma and its impact on DNA is explored, highlighting the importance of addressing deep-rooted issues for holistic healing.


  • Understanding and managing our energy is crucial for our well-being.
  • Energetic boundaries are essential to prevent burnout and depletion.
  • Empathy and energy exchange occur in all interpersonal relationships.
  • Dr. Mary focuses on supporting spiritually driven women over 40 in their healing journey.
  • Energy work is not limited to physical health but also encompasses emotional and spiritual aspects. The endocrine system plays a crucial role in regulating hormones and maintaining balance in the body.
  • Imbalances in the endocrine system can affect the entire system, highlighting the need to address the system as a whole.
  • Grounding and connecting with the Earth’s frequency can promote healing and trust.
  • Generational trauma can impact DNA and the body’s ability to regulate the central nervous system.
  • Addressing deep-rooted issues is essential for holistic healing.


  • The Role of Energy in Healing and Well-being
  • Setting Energetic Boundaries to Prevent Burnout Generational Trauma and its Impact on DNA
  • Addressing Deep-Rooted Issues for Holistic HealingTitles


00:00 Introduction and Casual Conversation
01:22 Dr. Mary’s Background and Journey into Energy Work
06:05 Setting Energetic Boundaries to Prevent Burnout
08:49 The Impact of Energy in Interpersonal Relationships
13:02 Expanding the Scope of Energy Work Beyond Physical Health
26:48 Understanding the Interconnectedness of the Endocrine System
30:38 The Importance of Grounding and Connecting with the Earth’s Frequency
38:14 Generational Trauma and its Impact on DNA
44:13 Addressing Deep-Rooted Issues for Holistic Healing
